2nd meeting in Girona, Catalonia, Spain.
19th to 21st of February 2014
The meeting in Girona, Catalonia, was very enriching. All partner countries participated in the meeting. On the first day, we had a visit to Cooperativa La Fageda, a Catalan non-profit social initiative cooperative created in Olot (about 50 km from Girona) in 1982 whose main purpose is to integrate people of the Garrotxa region (Girona) who suffer an intellectual disability or severe mental disorders. In the afternoon we visited MIFAS vocational training centre in Riudellots (about 15 km from Girona) which was followed by a cultural visit to Girona's old town. On the following day, we carried out the seminar "How to learn to learn". Walsall College, Mr. Paul Bagnall, presented the “Importance of the motivation for learning. Learning through assessment. Phases of Learning: Preparing, Exploring, Implementing and Reviewing. Effective learning techniques and how to improve your learning capacity understand how you learn. Fundamentals of how you learn. Becoming a reflective learner.” The organisation GiroDinàmics, Mrs. Maria Sáez and Mr. Maximiliano Fernández, presented the learning experience “Formatic: ICT application to train people with disabilities in risk of social exclusion to give them professional competences for a better work inclusion.” Afterwards, all partners presented a good learning experience in the field. After the seminar, a coordination meeting took place to end up the planned activities of this mobility.