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W1: Sharing on the ways how to learn to learn.

W2: How to integrate disabled people to job opportunities.

W3: The implementation of one or two European Skills Passport.

W1. Sharing on the ways how to learn to learn.


The seminar “How to learn to learn” counted with the participation of all partners and local organisations.


Walsall College, Mr. Paul Bagnall, presented the “Importance of the motivation for learning. Learning through assessment. Phases of Learning: Preparing, Exploring, Implementing and Reviewing. Effective learning techniques and how to improve your learning capacity understand how you learn. Fundamentals of how you learn. Becoming a reflective learner.”







The organisation GiroDinamics, Mrs. Maria Sáez and Mr. Maximiliano Fernández, presented the learning experience “Formatic: ICT application to train people with disabilities in risk of social exclusion to give them professional competences for a better work inclusion.”






All partners presented a good learning experience in the field:

W2. How to integrate disabled people to job opportunities.


Mr. Plamen Mavrov from Bulgarian Management Association presented the “Integration of people with disabilities into the labour market within the EU”. The main topics covered in the presentation were related to the situation of people with disabilities within the European Union, measures used to increase employment of people with disabilities, employment rate for the population between 15-64 years by activity limitation, employment rates of non-disabled and disabled people by gender and age in the EU.


The participants from the Netherlands Ms. Astrid van Bruggen and Ms. Marrig van der Werf presented the organisation, the progression of the self management tool GRIP and an animation on the history of psychiatry. The idea for the animation was to show how far we have come in the ‘normalisation’ of madness, and that organisations and projects like Employ@bility could contribute to holding this level and bringing it further.


Тhe participant from Turkey, Mr. Mustafa Kyuchuktuvek, made a presentation on “How to integrate disabled people to job opportunities”. The presentation explored the way the supported employment can be of benefit to the integration of disabled people into work. Reviewed were different models of supported employment, the mechanisms for provision of reasonable accommodation and a safe workplaces for the disabled workers, provision of appropriate work training and supervision as well as proper assessment of the performance of the workers.


The partners organizations from Bulgaria, Turkey and Netherlands presented a good learning experience in the field. 



W3. The implementation of one or two European Skills Passport.


The European Skills Passport is an electronic portfolio to give a comprehensive picture of your skills and qualifications. It helps to document skills and qualifications to find a job or a training or to validate the skills. The person can create a European Skills Passport online by accessing this link 


The Europass online editor enables the user to create a ESP to gather documents such as Language passport, Certificate supplement, copies of degrees or certificates, attestations of employment, etc.


During the workshop, skills passport situation in the job market and how to develop our project brochure to use as a final product in the e-platform were presented.



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