Rationale for this project
Most European countries has the same problem with pupils with special educational needs and social problems. Therefore we believe that this is an important issue for the European Cooperation, where all the countries are struggling with the same problem which is the risk of social exclusion for disabled and the cost it gives our communities.
We all have a responsibility to find ways to reduce the problem. This project will try to fulfill this responsibility by focusing on the cooperation, exchange of ideas and best case studies of partners from different countries to determine the vocational fields for Educable Disabled and improve a joint scale of these fields in order to integrate them to Labor Market efficiently Each partners' experiences will help the team to manage the task, in the wide European environment.
We feel that we are now able to spread out to the EU our personal experience and every good practices on the matter. On the other hand we will have the opportunity to exchange opinions, practices and ideas, with other partners, enriching our knowledge and experience. As stated in Lifelong Learning Programme General Call for Proposals 2011-2013 Strategic Priorities 2013, Europe is facing, such as demographic changes, rapid development in other regions of the world and poverty paired with social exclusion. In the current climate of slow recovery from recession, its messages are more relevant than ever.
It can be clearly seen that there are a lot of pressing contemporary issues such as austerity, poverty, social exclusion, high unemployment and the decline in social mobility which make us think about how we can support people in getting a job ,or if they have got one how we can improve or have a better job. For this reason we have gathered around this significant topic to contribute the development of skills, knowledge and information which provide the people have lifelong employment and/or improving their employment position by fostering how important employability for disabled people.
Today Europe is experiencing a different era with the continuous developing digital technology which is taking its part in everyone’s life in any aspects. People’s cultural horizons are expanding and the ways in which economies compete with each other are changing. Modern life brings greater opportunities and choices for individuals but also greater risk and uncertainties.
In this connection the people who adopt themselves to the varied lifestyles can continue while the ones who remain at the same place will fall irrevocably by the wayside. In addition whereas population in Europe is ageing rapidly, the demands of the labour force are changing. In order to catch up with all these continually changing situations, people need to create and use knowledge effectively and intelligently.
The way to meet the challenges of changes can be done through the education and training throughout life, which means lifelong learning. In other words, people should become a lifelong learner since what they learned at schools no longer equips them for a lifetime of work. Instead an understanding of ‘work-in progress’ must be adapted that means one understands the importance of acquiring new skills and take personal responsibility for having them not to lose his/her job.
Considering all these reasons or circumstances, we have been motivated to guide the disabled people how they can raise their education and skill levels, increase their chances of participating in the workforce and obtain better employment and better progression without staying behind the changing world, losing job or excluded from the society.
Furthermore we intend to supply this need by making them involve our national and transnational activities and also flash on ‘learn to learn’ by increasing the willingness to learn lifelong since a competitive workforce is comprised of lifelong learners.
In order to achieve these intentions we have built our partnership with the different types of bodies from private to public organisations which are NGOs, universities, vocational education providers, cultural organasitions and chambers. All these sorts of organisations will support to contribute the project and its activities, and eventually the target group to supply their needs in employability for life long.
The concrete objectives of the partnership:-To develop a vocational criteria and determine the vocational fields for disabled people to supply them with the knowledge of their vocational competencies.- To improve the guiding methods and systems for (VET) teachers for disabled people.- To integrate the disabled people into job opportunities- to set an e-platform “employ@bility” consisting of employment opportunities in Europe, guide for disabled people, presentations, photos, brochures and leaflets.- To provide e-guidance to disabled people to reach labour market needs.- To enhance disabled people, competencies in order to integrate them to labor market,- to implementation of European Skills Passport.- To improve the experience guiding in vocational education and training,
- To benefit from a network of EU colleagues, sharing resources, pedagogic styles and experience through collaborative and co-operative working.- To provide a program of e-coaching for at high risk of exclusion or already isolated disabled people- to undertake actions of partners which would be of potential interest for future actions.- To promote life-long learning experience through EU projects.
What subjects or problems we intend to address:- Enabling project partners and staff for transnational exchange of experiences and competence development in guiding for the disabled, - Improve the competence of trainers in VET,- Guiding as an opportunity for disabled people,- The guides as an expert on dealing with the disabled and people in organizations,- Equal access to quality education, labor market and lifelong learning enable disabled people to participate fully in society and improve their quality of life.
Via this approach we will take to achieve our objectives:The approach we will follow is the well-prepared work plan and the efficient distribution of tasks. These will make all the partners involve actively in the project on time, which provides a fruitful and productive outcomes. Through the national and transnational activities that consist of presentations on Europass, ways to get 'learn to learn', workshops, team work activities, courses or seminars as local activities we will share our experiences, improve our perspectives, achieve our goals and motivate both our learners and staff.